If you examine it on the surface, you will find that investment is nothing compared to surfing. You might even find it surprising to place both of them in a single sentence. However, on close examination, you will start to observe some common traits between the two, and they are some great lessons that you can learn as a new investor.
- Scott Tominaga- amazing investment lessons you can learn from surfing
Scott Tominaga is an experienced and skilled financial and investment expert with over 25 years of rich experience in back-office operations, accounting, administration, advertising, and compliance. He completed his graduation from the State Arizona College, USA, in Enterprise Finance. At the beginning of his career, he served as a successful FINRA regulator. Today, he is the Chief Working Officer at PartnersAdmin, a reputable firm located in California dealing with investment fund services for clients.
According to him, investors can learn many valuable lessons from surfing, at least some straightforward and great ones. Experienced surfers are like good investors, and this is what they do-
- Preparation before surfing
If you want to become a good surfer, you should understand surfing and prepare for the task. The first step here is to choose a good surf shop to get the best equipment for surfing. Good surfers prepare well by doing their homework on the best places for surfing and what they should expect once they are out in the water. When they are out surfing, there can be some surprises, and similar to investing, this is not a good sign.
Preparation is a must to understand the possible outcome of any scenario before surfing. This will make them comfortable when at sea. Likewise, investors have to be completely prepared before they venture into investment. This means they should know what they have to invest in and their expectations. He recommends that learning from experts in an investment like Andrew Defrancesco helps as this is the best thing to do before you go in for better investment strategies.
- Surfers look for the perfect conditions
Surfers always check the weather conditions before they surf to ensure that it is worth their time. They need to check the day, and if the weather is not conducive for surfing, they drop the idea and wait for the perfect conditions. In brief, to comprehend the ideal conditions for surfing, before they get into the water, they should check the sea and then go in, or else, it will be too late for them to turn back.
Investors have to adopt the same approach when it comes to investments. They should check the industry, company, and market conditions. For instance, if an investor is keen to invest in crypto coins, they should understand how the market works and read reviews on exchanges that deal with cryptocurrency like Changelly to identify whether it is suitable for your needs or not. In this way, Scott Tominaga says that one can find the best cryptocurrency exchange for investment.