HKMU is an HK university located in Ho Man Tin. The government founded HKMU in 1989 as the Global Education Academy of HK, which now has 5 schools.The sole self-financing institution established by the authorities in Hong Kong Metropolitan University. This started as a distance-education institution, but it has evolved into two institutions in a single body.
Early Advancement
The OLI of Hong Kong was founded by the HK authorities in 1989. The OLI became Hong Kong’s initial distance-education tertiary education organization. The OLI implemented a modular intellectual scoring system that allows students to gain points step by step until they complete their degrees. The HK government declared in August 1992 that graduates of the OLI would be eligible to qualify for employment that needed a university level. The HK Council for Recognition of Intellectual Credentials authorized 17-degree courses provided by the OLI.
Programs on demand
- Programs that are offered full-time: The HKMU’s current major concentration has been on full-time programs. Courses and seminars are used to deliver the programs, just as they are at other institutions’ full-time courses. Some programs even contain labs and practical exercises. Full-time, as well as part-time courses, are the most common types of face-to-face courses. In Hong Kong’s integrated combined university entrance process, several full-time stand-up-to programs have been offered.
- Part-time courses are available: Part-time courses comprise remote education courses, which have constituted a component of the HKMU’s continuous initiatives since its inception. Learners who apply for distant learning courses receive self-study resources from the institution. Dynamic CD-ROMs, films, and software applications are all part of several of the courses such as a translation degree.